[Study Visit to Asia] Inaugural Blended Workshop Held for International Development Cooperation and Inclusive Economic Growth in Cambodia
September 2-5, 2020 - The Asia Foundation hosted an online-offline blended workshop at Daejeon, Korea from September 2 to 5, 2020 under the theme, “International Development Cooperation and Inclusive Economic Growth: MSMEs and Women’s Enterprises in Cambodia” in support of the KDI School of Public Policy and Management. Korean development practitioners from a governmental organization, NGOs, international organizations, and graduate schools participated in the workshop to have an in-depth experience that focused on the current challenges of MSMEs and Women’s Enterprises in Cambodia. Due to Covid-19, this year’s International Development Cooperation Capacity Building Program was conducted in a blended format, a combination of offline, face-to-face discussions among Korean participants, and joint online sessions for Cambodian participants.
During the four-day workshop, the participants interacted with a wide range of actors interested in supporting Cambodia’s MSMEs and Wo..
September 07, 2020