The Asia Foundation President Laurel Miller Visits Korea to Strengthen Partnerships and Gather Insights

DateJuly 23, 2024






July 23, 2024 - President & CEO of The Asia Foundation Laurel Miller visited Korea from July 15 to 19.

This visit aimed to gather insights on the future direction and role of The Asia Foundation from prominent figures in the government, media, and academia.


During her visit, President Miller attended the Board meeting of Friends of The Asia Foundation Korea and met with prominent figures, including Kim Ki-hwan, President of Korea Foundation; Moon Kook-hyun, President of the New Paradigm Institute; Bang Joon-oh, President of Chosun Ilbo; Park Jin, former National Assembly member; Bark Tae-ho, President of Seoul Forum; Kim Han-gil, Chairman of Presidential Committee of National Cohesion; Kang In-sun, Second Vice Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Kim Myung Ja, Chair of the KAIST Board of Directors and Lee Kwang Hyung, President of KAIST.




President Laurel Miller and Park Jin, former National Assembly Member





President Laurel Miller and Kang In-sun, Second Vice Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs




  Lee Kwang Hyung, President of KAIST, Kim Myung Ja, Chair of the KAIST Board of Directors,

President Laurel Miller and Song Kyungjin, Country Representative of The Asia Foundation Korea




President Miller discussed how The Asia Foundation, celebrating its 70th anniversary this year, could strengthen its partnership with Korea, which has become an important development cooperation partner in Asia and the Pacific.