Impact for Breakfast

DateSeptember 09, 2020




Inaugural Event of Impact for Breakfast (IFB) Club Seoul


IFB is an informal network of family offices, foundations, funds, venture philanthropy and intermediary organizations with a shared interest in social enterprise, entrepreneurship and impact investing. IFB members seek to learn from one another and to collaborate more effectively to increase their individual and collective impact. Launched in London in 2008, IFB has become a global network of communities spanning 14 cities including Geneva, New York, and San Francisco. The network’s 1600+ members are primarily impact investors and advisors as well as commercial banks and other organizations that wish to learn more about the sector.


The invitation-only inaugural session of IFB Seoul on September 9, 2020 will discuss how the sector can build upon its strengths and address its weaknesses to increase its impact in Korea and the wider region. Professor Hannah Jun from Ewha University will present the findings of the sector assessment commissioned by The Asia Foundation and Artha Networks Inc. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session. This will be followed by a discussion on the forming of an IFB chapter in Seoul and future IFB events. 



Hannah Jun, Assistant Professor, Ewha Womans University


Date: September 9th (Wed), 08:00 ~ 10:00 am

Venue: CEO Suites (Kyobo Building 15th Floor), Seoul




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