Message from Chairman Han Sung-Joo
Guided by a mission to improve lives, expand opportunities, and help societies flourish across a dynamic and developing Asia, The Asia Foundation in 2016 marked its 62nd anniversary with a year-long global conversation on critical issues facing the region today. The Korea Office, led by Country Representative Dylan Davis, had an impactful year as the Office partnered with several Korean private and public organizations for discussions, development creation, fellowships, and several other events. Each event and program was successful independent of the tumultuous political environment with the impeachment of former President Park Geun-Hye.
Continuing a 7-year stretch of successful collaboration, The Asia Foundation partnered with the Korea Development Institute (KDI) for the three-part annual series: Asian Approaches to Development Cooperation (AACD) in Beijing, New Delhi, and Seoul. The first two dialogues covered non-state actors and the private sector's role in Asian development cooperation, while the third in Seoul focused on the upcoming publication "Contemporary Asian Perspectives on South-South Cooperation".
Given the change in the U.S. administration, TAF partnered with the Korean American Association in Seoul and the Carnegie Corporation of New York in the Asian View on America's Role in Asia dialogue. Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Yoon Young-kwan chaired the Northeast Asia sub-regional meeting and facilitated discussions among 15 distinguished policy experts, former diplomats, and scholars from Korea, China, Japan, and Mongolia. Results from this lively and thoughtful conversation culminated in the publication, Asian Views on America's role in Asia: The Future of the Rebalance.
2016 marked the 9th year that TAF and the KDI School of Public Policy and Management have partnered together for the "Capacity Building for International Development and Cooperation in Asia" program. Last year, study visits and fellowships expanded to Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and the Philippines. Topics covered included critical issues such as balanced regional development, international development cooperation in transitioning countries, and sustainable development goals.
TAF continued to strengthen its partnership with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) as together they opened the first Women's Business Center and Incubator in Ulaanbaatar. This business center offers much needed training programs, business consultancy services, and networking opportunities for the women of Ulaanbaatar.
The Friends of The Asia Foundation is a constant supporter of The Asia Foundation's targeted and active engagement in the Asian region. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank The Asia Foundation's donors, partners, supporters and friends for continuously supporting TAF's mission to encourage Asia's continued development as a peaceful, just, and thriving region. It is only through your commitment that we can continue to positively impact countless people across Asia.
![Chairman Han Sung-Joo](images/han-sung-joo.jpg)