2016 Programs
Building Capacity for International Development Cooperation
The Asia Foundation - KDI School Joint Project
Since 2008, the Foundation and the KDI School of Public Policy and Management have partnered to promote capacity building for international development and cooperation in Asia. The program supports fellowships, study visits, and international forums for civil society institutions, government officials, and academia to discuss ways to improve aid effectiveness. An overview of the program can be found here.
Korean Delegation Visits Myanmar to Study International Development Cooperation in Countries in Transition
As part of an ongoing partnership with KDI School to implement international development cooperation capacity building projects, the Korea office led a 12-member delegation to Myanmar from May 14-22, 2016 for a study tour focused on "International Development Cooperation in Countries in Transition." The delegation included practitioners from the Korean government, NGO community, and academia who were selected to participate in the program.
During the week-long study tour, the delegation visited KOICA's Myanmar office, the Korean Embassy, Asia Development Bank (ADB), Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD), Development Resource Institute (MDRI), Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB), Foreign Economic Relations Department (FERD), Myanmar Parliament Office and Euro-Burma Office (EBO). Through the experience, the delegates were able to deepen their understanding of Myanmar including the historical and political contexts, as well as development challenges that the country faces. Through the experience, participants were also able to build networks and gain first-hand knowledge about the practices of The Asia Foundation and other development agencies, which will strengthen their own capacity for effective project planning and implementation in the future.
Korean Delegation Visits Sri Lanka to Learn about International Development Cooperation for Balanced Regional Development
A delegation consisting of development experts representing the Korean government, private sector, NGOs, as well as graduate students, visited Sri Lanka from July 30th to August 7th for a study visit under the theme, "International Development Cooperation for Balanced Regional Development." Co-sponsored by The Asia Foundation and KDI School of Public Policy and Management as part of the ongoing International Development Cooperation Capacity Building Program, participants were able to deepen their understanding on regional imbalances and current development needs in Sri Lanka following the country's decades long civil war.
While in country, the delegation had the opportunity to meet with a wide-range of development actors in Sri Lanka, including the Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA), Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Verite Research, Ministry of Wildlife and Sustainable Development, Batticaloa Municipal Council, Batticaloa Business Chamber and Civil Society Group, South Eastern University, Kalmunai Municipal Council, and Kalmunai General Hospital. Through this visit, the delegates were able to gain a better understanding of the contextual background of imbalanced development and diverse development actors' efforts and approaches as they work to implement the newly launched SDGs in Sri Lanka. The study visit also provided participants with an opportunity to network with each other and to explore future partnerships with institutions in Sri Lanka.
INDI Lab's Jee-eun Jun Selected for a 2016 Asia Development Fellowship in the Philippines
The Asia Foundation Korea Office supported Jee-eun Jun, founder and CEO of INDI Lab (Information and Data Innovation Lab), who was dispatched to Manila on a three-month fellowship from June 3 to August 30, 2016. While in the Philippines, Ms. Jun participated in The Asia Foundation Philippine Office's School Choice Open Information Policy and System Project, and conducted her own research focused on "Open Government and Citizen Engagement for the Sustainable Development Goals."
INDI Lab (Information and Data Innovation Lab) is an NGO start-up firm engaged in research, open information, and data collection with the goal of making the world better and more sustainable. Prior to establishing INDI LAB in 2015, Ms. Jun served as an assistant manager for the Korea NGO Council for Overseas Cooperation (KCOC), mainly working on policy advocacy, training programs, and research. Ms. Jun also previously worked for KOICA where she was responsible for administering Korea's grant aid program. She has been involved in activities such as various Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) training programs, and was selected to participate in a 2014 Asia Foundation-organized study visit to Mongolia focused on development and urbanization issues. Her research interests include digital democracy, social innovation, open government and citizen engagement to achieve economic and social justice.
Supported by the KDI School of Public Policy and Management since 2008, the International Development Capacity Building Program offers participants the opportunity to join in an ongoing development project at an Asia Foundation country office and also conduct independent research on a topic of their choosing.
Asian Development Fellow Learns About Korea's Development Experience
The Asia Foundation hosted Mr. Udagedara Susantha Chandrasiri Udagedara, a development specialist from Sri Lanka, to learn about Korea's development experience. Mr. Udagedara, presently a Junior Consultant at the Climate Change Secretariat of the Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment, carried out his proposed research entitled, "Assessing the Level of Climate Change Awareness among Selected School Teachers in South Korea" during his tenure at the Korea Environment Institute (KEI). Mr. Udagedara produced a paper at the end of his September 18 to November 30 stay at KEI.
This research fellowship is sponsored by the KDI School as part of the International Development Cooperation Capacity Building Program.
Myanmar Parliamentary Delegation Visits Korea for Capacity Building
From November 11th to 19th, The Asia Foundation Kore a office organized a study tour to Korea for a delegation of 15 participants from Myanmar consisting of the first-term members of the Myanmar Parliament, Parliamentary Secretariat staff, and NGO representatives. The study tour, generously supported by the Korea Development Institute School of Public Policy and Management (KDI School), drew upon Korea's experience and practices on parliamentary development, with expert lectures on Korea's political development, courtesy calls with members of the Korean National Assembly and supporting institutions, and meetings with relevant think tanks and NGOs.
Mongolia Women's Business Center & Incubator Study Visit to Korea
From August 29 to September 2, The Asia Foundation Korea office organized and hosted a capacity-building study visit to Korea for project partners working on the establishment of Mongolia's first Women's Business Center and Incubator, a joint-partnership between the City of Ulaanbaatar, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), and The Asia Foundation. Headed by Narantuya Otgon (Head of Food, Trade, and Service Department, Ulaanbaatar Mayor's Office), the six-member delegation, consisting of participants from the Ulaanbaatar Mayor's Office, Development Solutions (NGO), and The Asia Foundation Mongolia Office, visited a number of women's business incubator-related organizations supported by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and Gyeonggi Provincial Government. Click here for a short video introduction of the project.